Enterprise Home

Figure 24: Enterprise Home

Here, you can see the following information:

  • Machine/Environment Name: This option displays the name of the machine or the environment used.
  • Build Version: This option displays the build version of the machine or the environment used.
  • Upgrade Date/Time: This option displays the name of the machine or the environment used.

Environment List

This window displays a list of environments (project clusters) with environment name and environment IP.

  • The environments marked with Red color denote the inactive environments and are not clickable.
  • The environments marked with Black color denote the active environments and are clickable. You can enter into that environment by simply clicking over it.
  • You can see the total project clusters at the top right corner. Example –
  • You can also search an environment from the search box.
Figure 25: Environment List

Build Information

This window displays the build information of the machines, which are assigned to any account in SaaS mode.

The following details are displayed:

  • Machine/Environment Name: The machine/environment DNS name or IP.
  • Build Version: The current build version. If somehow there is a failure in fetching the build information of any particular node, it is displayed as ‘Build Info Not Available’.
  • Upgrade Date/Time: The date/time at which that environment was upgraded in the (yyyy/mm/dd hh/mm/ss) format.
Figure 26: Build Information